Advance your field exploration with AI
Companies of all sizes, energy communities and research teams trust us to find AI SaaS, PaaS and expertise essential to their growth and innovation

Generative AI for seismic interpretation
AI algorithms analyze the entire field in a couple of hours.
Express interpretation for horizons and faults takes from minutes up to several hours for the largest fields and makes it easier for experts to work with seismic.
Quality Control (QC): visual quality maps help instantly find errors and identify tricky areas of the field.
Copilot: multimodal multiple LLMs-based chat assistant makes interacting with projects as simple as just talking to a colleague. A built-in voice assistant can help experts save even more time.
Infrastructure: our software is ready to use with AWS services.
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Real-time seismic processing
Just-acquired seismic data is automatically processed in a matter of hours.
Why do clients trust us?
Behind every solution we create is a meticulous journey, from thorough data analysis to model selection and hyperparameter tuning.
Examples of successful studies:
- Structural Modelling
- First Break Picking
- Facies Detection
- Survey Geometry Correction
- Footprints Removal
- Well Logs Matching
Tasks Solved -
GPU Hours On Research
Core features that make it valuable
GPU with utmost parallelism
The proposed tools maximize the utilization of computing resources, reducing the time to obtain the result to a minimum.
Quality control and visualization
Our algorithms meticulously evaluate each step of seismic processing and interpretation, enabling swift detection and correction of data errors.
Multi-user environment
The tools can be deployed both locally and within the cloud platform, making collaboration on a project even faster.
Open source AI solutions
Provide transparency, security, customization, cost-effectiveness, community support and reliability for customers.

Easily Embeddable Copilot
Chat assistant for geologists that can analyze express interpretation results and existing reports together. And you do not have to know anything about how machine learning works - everything is done in chat.
Freely ask us for more information
Through continuous research, collaboration we aim to be at the forefront of the AI revolution, delivering reliable, transparent, and impactful results that contribute to a smarter, more connected future.
Ask your question-
What type of service do we provide?
1) We offer software development services, which include 3D visualization of complex scientific data integrated with AI algorithms to quickly prototype a field within a few hours.
2) Our professional services focus on accelerating seismic processing on GPUs using advanced ML algorithms. We provide a cost-effective solution for reprocessing legacy data.
What open source development do you have and where can i find it?
andSeismiQBlibraries to simplify seismic processing and interpretation. Additionally,SegFastenables rapid loading of SEG-Y files, whileBatchFlowfacilitates data management, ML model training, and related tasks. Two other libraries were developed for medical purposes:CardIOfor in-depth analysis of electrocardiograms andRadIOfor processing CT scans. -
Do you have NLP and generative AI solutions?
Our tools include models based on the latest LLMs for working with seismic projects using natural language. Using them, you can quickly get an answer to a question regarding a scenario for working with a project or brief information about the project based on the results of express interpretation.
At what conferences did you talk about your projects?
In recent years, we have been regular participants in the EAGE (Annual, Digital), SPE (Annual, IPTC, GOTECH), AWS Annual Summits and Symposiums, ADIPEC, RICE Energy HPC, IMAGE and others.
Our technical blog on Medium
Get in touch with us directly
If you have been in the field as long as we are, then you know - it gets lonely in here.
So, if you have in mind a proposal for collaboration or simply would like to let us know what you think, drop us an email. Or complete the form to learn how our team can solve your challenges and book a demo with our AI-specialists and business manager.